Former homeless, now millionaire says:



The secret to retiring rich is…

“Do NOT Diversify Your Investments…
Get in Debt Up to Your Eyeballs…
And Never Save Money”

Sounds crazy, right?

“But using these “strange” money habits, I went from sleeping in
my car to retiring rich at the age of 47. Here’s how I did it…”
– Robert, a 72-year-old millionaire from Scottsdale

Dear friend,

What if everything they’ve ever told you about money is 100% wrong?

What if the secret of getting rich is to take on as much debt as you can…

Never save a single penny…

And forget about diversifying your portfolio.

I know that sounds crazy…

But in the next few minutes I’ll show you how I went from homeless to making $500,000+ a month…

Simply by doing the OPPOSITE of what the so-called money experts tell you to do.

It’s Why Oprah Went on
Live TV and Said:

“Robert’s unique advice may change the way you think about money. He teaches people how to be millionaires. That’s what people should be teaching at school.”

And it’s why my friend Donald Trump said:

“I’ve been a big fan of Robert for so long.
He’s just a very special man.”


You see…

While most people are trying to save every penny by never buying a cappuccino at Starbucks…

I NEVER save money.

Instead, I buy anything I want without batting an eye at the price tag.

While most people are meeting with their financial advisors to discuss how to build a well-diversified portfolio…

I couldn’t care less about diversifying into stocks, bonds and mutual funds… and fired my advisor a long time ago.

And while most people are doing everything they can to pay off their debt…

I’m in debt up to my eyeballs… and still looking for ways to get even more debt.

By Normal Standards,
I Should Be in an Unemployment Line, Collecting Welfare…

And yet, I spend most of my time playing golf with rich people in the most exclusive country clubs.…

Including my own golf resort with three World-Class Championship Courses.

When I want to go for a nice drive, the hardest part is having to decide…

“Should I take my Ferrari, Lambo, Bentley, BMW or Rolls Royce?”

And that’s when I’m not taking my usual 6-month vacation…

Traveling with my wife Kim to exotic places around the world.

Before you start guessing…

No, I didn’t win the lottery… (although the income line of my tax return looks like a jackpot prize)

And no… I’m not some kind of trust fund kid… (as you’ll see below, my parents left me nothing)

And I’m definitely no Hollywood star, even though some of them are good friends.

I simply did the OPPOSITE of what the so-called money experts tell you to do. You see…

Life Wasn’t Always
this Good for Me…

I’ve been broke and desperate.

But things changed when I realized that everything they ever told us about money is actually the very thing that is holding us back.

So, if you’ve been following the mainstream money advice and feel like you’re stuck in life…

If you’re looking for extra income…

And worried that you’ll run out of money in retirement…

Or that you’ll depend on your kids and become a burden to your loved ones…

It’s not because you’re bad with money…

It’s not because you’re not smart…

Or because you haven’t worked hard enough.

It’s because of all these money lies that have been pushed down your throat.

The mainstream media, so-called financial gurus, crooked bankers and our corrupt educational system tell you to save as much money as you can.

So most people spend their entire lives penny-pinching and clipping coupons.

They tell you to avoid debt like the plague.

So most people are terrified of debt.

And they tell you to never put all your eggs in one basket.

So most people spend countless hours developing complicated investment strategies to diversify their portfolio.

The result?

By the time you retire, you haven’t lived life.

Even worse, these people often retire poor and die broke.

How Do I Know All This?

Because That’s Exactly What Happened to My Dad

As the head of education for the state of Hawaii, he was a well-educated man.

In other words, he was a high-paid government official.

And he followed all these money lies to the T.

He worked hard and saved money…

He diversified his investments…

And he never took on too much debt.

The result?

He spent his life running in a never-ending hamster wheel…

He struggled in retirement…

And he died poor.

On the other hand, I avoided those money lies and retired rich at the age of 47…

That’s 16 years earlier than the average retiree.

That’s why I’m writing this letter to you today…

To help you avoid the same money lies that condemned by dad to poverty…

Because these lies act like hideous thief in the night.

Unseen, and Unnoticed by Most…

These Lies Will Condemn Millions of Baby Boomers to Retire Poor

Thanks to these lies, we already have a full-blown retirement crisis in America.

According to a 2018 study by Northwestern Mutual…

A third of Baby Boomers currently in, or approaching, retirement age have less than $25,000 set aside for retirement.

Isn’t that shocking?

I’m afraid many folks from my baby boomer generation will retire poor.

***But it doesn’t have to be like that for YOU.

Because no matter your personal situation…

Even if you’re starting with little to no money…

Even if you know nothing about investing…

Even if you have no connections…

It’s NOT too late.

All You Need to Do
is Avoid All the 31 Money Lies
I’ll Reveal in this Letter…

And follow the same steps that helped me retire rich at the age of 47.

I’ll walk you step by step through everything in this letter…

Because I know this can work for anyone.

You see, I’m not some kind of genius.

I used to be a straight C student.

Most people thought I’d never amount to anything in life.

And if you don’t have much saved, don’t worry.

When I started I was broke and homeless.

I even lived in a car for a few weeks.

So, if I made it, I know anyone can.

All you need to do is follow the principles I’ll share with you in the next few seconds…

For example…

They tell you to avoid debt at all cost…

But Did You Know that Debt Can Actually Make You Rich?

It’s true.

I’m already in debt up to my eyeballs…

And I’m still borrowing my butt off…

Because the more debt I accumulate… the richer I get!

Don’t get me wrong…

I’d never recommend you go to the mall and max out your credit cards…

Buying the biggest flat screen TV you can find…

And a nice diamond earring for your wife.

Like I told Oprah, people who take on bad debt “are looking good, but going nowhere.”

What’s bad debt?

Debt that takes money away from your pocket and keeps you poor.

Paying 20% interest on your credit card is bad debt.

Getting a loan to buy a new car whose value will plummet the minute you drive off the lot is bad debt.

Getting a student loan to get a degree in Puppet Arts (yes, that’s a real degree) is bad debt.

But there’s another kind of debt that can actually make you rich…

The kind of debt that actually puts money in your pocket.

So let me show you…

My #1 Debt Trick for Constant Income in Retirement

And if you do it right…

You won’t even need to pay that debt off yourself.

Look what happened with Gary C. from Houston, for example.

He reported online that before he discovered this debt trick, he was struggling to make ends meet with his job at a car dealership.

In fact, when he started using this technique he only had $4,000.

He was scared, and didn’t know if this was going to work for sure.

But he went from driving an old Toyota Camry to driving a Rolls Royce

He went from flying coach to flying in private jets…

And more important, he went from broke to never having to worry about money again.

Now he says:

“Debt can be your best friend if you use it right. There is dumb debt—and then there is good debt. One is a path to financial slavery, the other to financial freedom. I use debt to my advantage and you can too.”

And the beauty here is once you set this up the right way…

The Money Just Keeps Coming In

Look at David S., who’s also discovered my #1 debt trick. He told his story online and said:

“Most people will draw from a retirement fund when they stop working and most will deplete that asset as they earn their income. Not me. I’ll earn an inflation-adjusted $50,000 from just one of my holdings, and I won’t ever touch the capital.”

– David S.

Imagine that…

Imagine if you could collect an extra $50,000 every single year… without depleting your retirement account.

Talk about having complete peace of mind…

Can you see now how the mainstream advice on debt is totally wrong?

I mean, just do the opposite of what they tell you…

And you might never have to worry about running out of money in retirement.

And that’s just of one the money lies I’ll reveal here today.

But don’t bother taking notes.

Because in just a moment I’m going to show you how to claim my NEW book today with all the details on this special type of debt…

And all the other money lies that are keeping your poor.

By the way, my name is Robert Kiyosaki…

But most people know me as “the rich dad” guy.

In 1997 I wrote the #1 personal finance book of all time, Rich Dad Poor Dad.

That book has changed millions of lives in the last two decades.

And I’ve written dozens of other books….

But It’s My Brand-New, Never-Before-Published Book that will Have the Investment World BUZZING

This new book is definitely not going to win me any friends in the financial industry …

Because now, for the first time ever…

I’ve compiled all 31 money lies that are holding back millions of Americans into a complete 150 plus page book.

It’s called The Truth About Money: 31 Money Lies That Are Holding You Back…Plus My Top Income Secrets for Financial Freedom

That’s right…

You see, I’ve made my mission to expose these money lies and help my fellow baby boomer generation to retire rich like I did.

That’s why I want to drop it in the mail to you today.

I’ll show you how you can claim it in just a moment…

So you can receive it in just a few days.

The moment you open your book and discover all the money lies…

You’ll start challenging the false assumptions that have held you back …

And you’ll finally take a GIANT step toward the retirement of your dreams.

This is like having a blueprint on how to retire rich. For example…

On Page 19 of This New Book…
I’ll Prove to You Why Saving Money will Keep You Poor

That’s right.

They tell you that the secret to wealth is to save money and live below your means.


“Work hard, save money and live below your means” is a huge money lie that condemns millions to poverty.

If you’ve read my book Rich Dad Poor Dad you know that’s exactly what happened to my poor dad.

He often said, “We can’t afford it.”

Our family was constantly trying to pinch pennies.

My mom and dad even saved used aluminum foil.

Thanks to that mindset, my dad lived a mediocre life and died poor.

Living below your means doesn’t work.

It’s like telling you if you want to lose weight you should go on a starvation diet.

Don’t you deserve to live a full, rich and abundant life?

Of course you do!

And all you need to do is follow the lessons of my rich dad.

He loved luxury. When he wanted a nice toy, he’d find a way to buy it.

That’s why he often asked, “How can I afford it?”

That mentality made him rich because…

Instead of saving money, he bought cash-flowing assets…

Assets that spit out all the money he needed to buy the things he wanted.

My wife Kim and I have used this philosophy over and over in our life to buy things we enjoy and build our wealth in the process.

That’s why in your free copy of The Truth about Money you’ll find several cash flow secrets I’ve used to retire rich at the age of 47.


Say These Simple Words to Your Broker and Watch as much as $1,000s Deposited in Your Account…

In Less than 5 Minutes

If you think that sounds too good to be true…

You should know a few everyday folks like you who knew what they were doing are already cashing in.

Daniel Z. from Michigan says:

“My favorite thing is the immediate receipt of money. I’m averaging about $1,000 per week… and using the income to supplement retirement.”

– Daniel Z.

And because you can do that over and over again, the money adds up really quick.

In fact, Daniel says he’s made “up to $60,000 per year for the past five years.”

That’s up to an extra $60,000 a year.

Think about it… how would an extra 60 grand a year change your life?

Richard Z. from Miami says he makes up to $300 every time he tries this strategy. He says:

“I’ve made over $20,000. My favorite thing is the immediate income.
It is the only way I have found to consistently produce positive results.”

– Richard Z.

And Peter N. from Texas says:

“Last year I made $25,300. I’m using that money for home improvement. This year I expect to make up to $30,000.”

– Peter N.

And all without buying stocks, bonds, or anything like that.

Even better… you can do this over and over again… anytime you want.

And while some people might consider this a sophisticated strategy…

In your book I’ll walk you step by step… and tell you how to maximize your income and manage the risks associated with this strategy…

Just keep in mind… this only works if you know what to say to your broker. (see the three words on page 47 of this NEW book)

Have a Few $100s to Spare?

Go to Your Local County Website, Click a Few Buttons and in time, You Could Walk Away with a Small Fortune (See page 130)

This is only possible because of a little-known government certificate that’s 100% protected from a stock market crash.

And you can get started with very little money.

For example, I read about the incredible story of Bob Donovan.

When he went to his local county website…

He started with just $823.

He had never done this before…

So, he wasn’t sure this was going to work…

But since he found a way to start with little money, he decided to give it a try.

To his surprise, he watched his $823 explode into a $92,000 fortune…

In just a couple of years.

No wonder he says:

“I was hooked. It was really a no-brainer. It’s not the most popular or well-known strategy, but it’s something I can invest in with very little cost and make some good profit.

– Bob D.

Imagine if that happened to you…

Wouldn’t be nice to add almost 100k to your retirement nest egg?

All you need to do to get that kind of chance is to follow the steps I describe on page 133 of your book.

And there’s more… You’ll also discover…

How to Collect up to $5,480 a Month from REAL Properties Across the Country… Without Any of the Landlord Headaches (See page 141)

No dealing with tenants.

No fixing toilets in the middle of the night.

No worrying about collecting past due rents.

No fixing up the property.

It’s really simple.

You get none of the headaches. And you keep all of the income.

And if you set it up like I’ll show you…

You can cash flow from day one because the property will already be occupied by a tenant.

For example, after a few years using this secret…

Lucas H. from San Francisco posted online that he’s expecting to collect an estimated $84,887 from rental income.

He says: “It’s almost as easy as buying something on Amazon”

That’s right…

With a few clicks of the mouse…

From the comfort of your home, you can own REAL properties…

And just collect the rental income every month.

Look, it’s no secret that investing in real estate is probably the most proven way to get wealthy.

Today I make $500,000+ every month in passive cash flow…mostly from real estate.

And now you can do it without any of the hassle.

I’ve made even easier for you by including step-by-step instructions in this NEW book The Truth about Money.

Simply check out page 133, and discover how you can collect $1,295 a month from this 5-bedroom house in Georgia… no matter where you live.

Or $1,550 a month from this 3-bedroom house in Ohio…

Or even $5,480 every single month from this huge house in Kansas

Remember, I’m talking about owning REAL properties across the US…

But not having to deal with any landlord headaches. See page 141 for details.

Just keep in mind…

Unlike all my best-selling books…

This book is NOT for sale on Amazon or any retailer.

You can only claim it right here on this page. (I’ll show you how in just a moment)

And once you get your hands on this book…

Check out page 114, and you’ll discover…

How to Extract up to $1,000s from your Stock Portfolio…
On Demand (See page 114)

It’s true.

Why wait months to collect dividends from your stocks…

If you can collect money right now?

Say you own shares of Apple… right now there’s a way you can collect $2,210 from Apple with a few clicks of the mouse.

Don’t own Apple? No problem.

This secret also works for 3,684 other companies!

If you’re planning to retire soon, you’ll love page 57 because you’ll…

Discover How to DOUBLE Your Social Security Benefits (See page 57)

Most people don’t know about Section 202(w) of the Social Security Act.

And that’s a shame.

Because If you knew about it…

You could increase your Social Security income from the average of $1,360 per month to as much as $2,687 per month!

Just keep in mind, this message is NOT associated with the Social Security Administration.

This information is part of our expert’s independent research of various Social Security strategies.

And it’s available for free from the Social Security Administration.

So you can look through their 2,728 rules and thousands of additional sub-rules to find the details…

Or you can just read page 57 of the book I want to give you.

Can you see how this book is packed with secrets that will totally change the way you think about money?

For example…

Did You Know There’s
a 100% Legal Way of Making
$10,000s in Capital Gains…

And Pay ZERO taxes? (see page 87)

Theodore from Pennsylvania used this secret to legally avoid taxes…

By keeping that extra money in your own pocket, he says:

“You can easily [use this trick] to “snow ball” your cash flow and compound your retirement nest egg.”

But you should know, this only works if you follow all the seven steps described in the tax code.

I’ll explain all seven for you on page 87 of my book The Truth about Money.

And still…

We’re just scratching the surface here…

This book is packed with secrets that fly smack in the face of everything we’ve ever heard about money

For example…

They Tell You to Invest in a
Diversified Portfolio of Stocks,
Bonds and Mutual funds.

But that’s 100% WRONG!

Mainstream financial advisors love to preach diversification in those paper assets.

But they’re clueless.

Diversification is a zero-sum game.

Gains in one asset will be offset by losses in another.

At the end, your portfolio doesn’t grow.

That’s why the world’s best investor Warren Buffet says:

“Diversification is a protection against ignorance. [It] makes very little sense for those who know what they’re doing.”

And Warren isn’t the only one who agrees with me.

Legendary investor Jim Rogers says:

“I know that people are taught to diversify, but diversification is just something that brokers came up with so they don’t get sued.”

If diversification was such a big deal…

How come I was able to retire rich at the age of 47 without having a diversified portfolio of stocks, bonds and mutual funds?

The truth is…

Instead of diversifying, you should follow the strategy I describe on page 33 of your book.

I heard a story from Chris Z. from Atlanta started following these instructions with just $20,000.

Just about three years later, he had accumulated $2 million. And he says:

“This is something any single individual person can do. You don’t need to have a financial background.”

– Chris Z., Turned 20k into $2 million

Once you discover this secret, I promise it will change the way you invest forever.

And there’s so much more you’ll discover inside this new book…

It will crush all the money lies that are holding you back. For example…

They Tell You that You Should Buy and Hold and Invest for the Long-Term Because Stocks Go Up on Average 8% a Year.


The truth is most people planning for retirement don’t have time to “invest for the long-term.”

Look, if you’re 20 years old and have 40-50 years to invest…

Then “investing for the long-term” might work out for you.

But if you’re close to retirement, you can’t afford to wait decades.

And what if there’s another crash like 2008 right before you retire?

That could totally ruin your plans.

Just look what happened in the last crash.

Ten years later, many folks still haven’t recovered from that collapse.

That’s why on page 24 I included a sophisticated technique that could generate income in all sorts of different market environment.

I already shared this with a small group of readers who follow this more closely… and they’re shocked…

It’s an obscure type of option trade that could become a reliable source of cash flow for you.

Dean M. says: “I’m netting about $1,000 a week using this kind of trade.”

Kevin S. says: “I love it.  Perfect win rate so far.”

Josh L. says: “Almost too good to be true.”

Find out on page 47 how to use this secret.

Then flip it to page 42…

And discover how to cash in on the next stock market crash.

That’s right…

They Tell You that When the Markets Drop, You Lose Money.

But that’s Another Huge Money Lie

The truth is… if you know what to do, you could make a fortune in the next crash with a play that can serve as an “IRA insurance policy”.

These only cost a few cents on the dollar…

And yet during the 2008 crash…

While everyone was losing their shirts…

Historical testing shows you could have made $18,444, $23,200 and even $29,390.

And on page 42, I reveal all the details…

So in the next market crash, while everyone will be losing money…

You’ll be laughing all the way to the bank.

Of course, like any other investment I’ve told you about, nothing is completely guaranteed.

There is always risk when you have skin in the game.

But can you see now why this book will turn Wall Street upside down?

Everything these people told you are complete garbage.

Unfortunately, millions of Americans still believe in those lies…

 Lies like…
“The Government Will Take Care
of Me When I Retire”

What a bunch of baloney.

When my dad lost his government job, he was 100% dependent on social security benefits.

And that was barely enough to pay the bills.

Look, today the average Social Security benefit is just $1,461 a month.

If you think that’s enough to cover the lifestyle you want in retirement…

Then you probably don’t need my book.

But you should know that according to The Wall Street Journal…

“Social Security’s costs are expected to exceed its income in 2020 for the first time since 1982.”

That’s why I don’t recommend anyone to rely solely on Social Security for retirement.

And it’s why on page 61 of my book I included details on special investment payouts outside of Social Security…

Payouts that have gone up every year for the past 25 years.

Recession… the bust… the global financial crisis… nothing has been able to stop the growth of these payouts.

As Forbes noted, these went up “even in the 2008 meltdown, when many ‘exciting’ stocks saw their share prices shredded.”

What are the odds it will go up again next year?

Not guaranteed, but I’d say that it’s pretty damn good.

Just take a look at this example and you’ll see what I mean…

Not one single decrease…

Even better… these companies paid out a total of $142 billion to regular folks last year alone.

If you missed out, don’t worry… they’re not one-time payments.

There are billions more to be paid out in the coming months.

Can you see how this book will completely change the way you look at money?

Of course, I don’t know what’s your personal situation…

I can’t promise all these tricks will work for everyone.

For example, some of these secrets might require an above average initial investment.

But that’s exactly why I’ve packed this book with dozens of income secrets that you won’t hear anywhere else.

Just keep in mind…

This Book Isn’t Available for Sale on Amazon or Any Other Retail

It’s only available through this page.

And I’d like to send you a copy right to your doorstep immediately if you follow the right steps.

I’ll even pay for shipping.

But I’ve got to warn you…

Unlike my other books, I’m not planning to mass market this brand-new book.

So I’ve printed a limited number…

And I want to distribute only to people who are serious about discovering the truth about money.

I’m comfortable sending 450 books out today.

Since I have millions of readers, I expect we’ll run out really quick…

Maybe even in the next hour.

I’ve reserved a copy for you.

And it can be yours FREE when you claim a risk-free trial to get…

“Inside access” to ALL my BEST ideas about money…100% Unfiltered

You see, all the secrets you’ve read here today were first introduced to the readers of the privately circulated The Rich Dad Poor Dad Letter

The only place where I share all my best moneymaking ideas and research every month with everyday folks like you.

Reading The Rich Dad Poor Dad Letter is like being part of my inner circle.

Over the years I’ve taken what I’ve learned from my rich dad…

And built an incredible network with millionaires and even billionaires, including my good friend President Trump.

I’ve vacationed with his two wonderful kids, Eric and Trump Jr.

I’ve talked business strategies with extremely successful entrepreneurs and investors like Shark Tank hosts Kevin O’Leary (Mr. Wonderful) and Daymond John…

And with billionaire CEOs, like the founder of Home Depot, Ken Langone.

The Rich Dad Poor Dad Letter is the culmination of all of that.

It’s the only place where I share the truth about money on a monthly basis…

All of my best ideas about money and retirement… secrets that I’m 100% confident will help you take back control of your wealth.

And while The Rich Dad Poor Dad Letter is written for everyone…

It can be especially helpful to you if you’re approaching or beyond the age of retirement…

If you’re looking for that “second chance” at wealth to enjoy your golden years.

Today it’s your turn.

I’m inviting you to join The Rich Dad Poor Dad Letter and become a part of our member circle…

And when you accept this 100% risk-free trial, you’ll immediately receive right to your doorstep…

Your personal copy of The Truth about Money…FREE.

Then you’ll be one step closer to your dream retirement…like what happened with Tom K. from Florida.

Click Below to See How he Went from Mowing Lawn to Making Millions Using My Secrets



And Tom is not alone. In fact…

My work has helped millions
of people on their way to
retirement riches

Greg from Venice, California brings in $2,000 per month.

“I am taking control of my retirement by increasing my passive income and not relying on the government to take care of me.

Rich Dad [has allowed] me to be in control and not rely on a company I work for.”

Craig Hall from Providence, Rhode Island pockets the equivalent of $1,153 every week…

“[Rich Dad’s Secrets have] truly changed my life for the better. I read about the naysayers talking about you have to “have money to make money” but Robert has given me the confidence to expand my thinking…

With Robert and Rich Dad’s lessons, I have absolutely accelerated retirement much faster.”

Caleb A. and his wife Kayla from Tallahassee, Florida had no problem using Rich Dad’s lessons to go from $0 to $6 MILLION in just 3 years! The equivalent of $38,461 every week!

“My wife & I started from zero and made $6000 in the first 3 months…

I was able to find and remove all poor thoughts and approaches towards life, and am no longer subjected to their influences. This means I am the pilot in command of my finances, and this allows me, and my family, to enjoy, live, work and play freely around the world.”

Ron Braddock from Newark, New Jersey generates an incredible $2,000 per month!

“[Rich Dad’s lessons] 100% opened my eyes that it is possible to retire with enough money, and even be generous.”

Jeff Savage has used Rich Dad’s lessons to grow his assets to over $1 million!

“I was able to retire at age 59… [Rich Dad’s lessons] changed my life…”

Kaitlin Kennedy collects the equivalent of over $1,923 every single week!

“I have 6 figure perpetual returns and only in 4 years…”

Henry Burnick from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania is still building his income, and since he first heard about Rich Dad’s secrets, he has been able to turn $12,000 into over $23 MILLION!

“In learning Robert’s lessons on money it has allowed me to start with $12,000 and use that over the years to acquire/develop $23,000,000+ of [assets]…

I am not working for money. Without reservation I would passionately recommend Rich Dad’s lessons to anyone.

Until you truly understand how money works your money will be “parked” and will be losing value and you won’t be able to meet your financial needs at retirement.

The question is “Will you TRULY be able to retire?””

Nothing makes me happier than seeing just how far some of these people have come since reading my work.

But you might be wondering…

“Is this right for me?”

The good news is…

You Don’t Have to Make
that Decision Right Now!

Try it for the Next Six Months…

That’s right.

The moment you take a 100% risk-free trial of The Rich Dad Poor Dad Letter… you’ll claim your FREE copy of The Truth about Money.

I’ll even let you KEEP your book if you decide this is not right for you!

So, you really have nothing to lose.

I’m 100% confident that once you start using these secrets…

You’ll be able to collect up to $5,480 a month from REAL properties across the country… without any of landlord headaches. (see page 133)

You’ll be able to watch $1,000s or more in income deposited in your account…  in less than 5 minutes… and do it over and over again. (see page 47)

And you’ll see how to use my #1 debt trick… the same trick Daniel S. used to collect an extra $50,000 in annual income. (see page 28)

But if you start using these secrets and don’t see $1,000s in extra income…

Or if for any reason you’re not 100% happy during those six months…

Simply let us know, and we’ll give you all your money back…

And let you KEEP EVERYTHING. No questions asked.

But that’s not all…

Because when you take a 100% risk-free trial of The Rich Dad Poor Dad Letter, I’ll also send you…

(Value: $99 Yours FREE)
Bonus Gift #1:

“The Recession Moneymaker Portfolio”

Prepare for bad times, and you’ll only know good times.

That’s how I’ve made a fortune during a downturn.

In fact, thanks to investments I made during the last big down market, my wealth is up more than $8.9 million!

I even went on live TV right before the Lehman collapse and predicted big banks on Wall Street would fail

Wolf Blitzer was stunned by my prediction.

And the panel guest kept telling people like you to keep your money in the markets!

Watch it below. It’s quite entertaining.

Unfortunately, most people didn’t listen to me…

Retirement accounts lost up to $4 trillion….

And millions of retirees went broke.

When the next crash inevitably happens, you’ll have a choice…

You can either listen to the clueless mainstream media… or prepare.

To help you prepare, I’m going to share my favorite recession proof investment secrets that I’ve used to get rich.


  • Recession Moneymaking Secret #1

Over the last 15 years, this misunderstood investment has delivered a 315% return

In other words, while the S&P lost a THIRD of its value in 2007-2008…

Savvy investors who bought and held this investment could’ve more than TRIPLED their money!

Without a doubt, it has a history of CRUSHING stocks, bonds, and even real estate.

In fact, it’s so lucrative that rich congressmen are actively trying to REWRITE the tax code to make this investment TAX FREE!

That way they can make even more money on it!

  • Recession Moneymaking Secret #2

Some of the world’s richest families have made billions from this investment…

It’s helped the Rockefellers generate a fortune throughout the Great Depression… both World Wars… and even the 2008 financial crisis!

And while plenty of ordinary Americans flock alongside them…

There’s a SHOCKING secret about this investment that only the rich know.

Thanks to a quirk in the Tax Reform Act of 1986 signed by President Reagan…

If you invest in it a certain way, you can ERASE $1,000s and $1,000s from your taxable income.

Which just means MORE extra money back in your pocket…

Money that most Americans would never have in a crisis!

  • Recession Moneymaking Secret #3

This is one of the biggest reasons I was able to increase my wealth by more than $8.9 million since the last market downturn.

That’s because it’s the only investment I know where you can generate THOUSANDS in extra monthly income…

And have a shot at postponing your tax bill indefinitely!

Imagine being able to bring in an extra $1,500, $3,000, $5,000 or more every month…

Imagine what you could do with all that extra cash during a recession!

You could load up tons of cheap assets… and sit tight while everyone else panics.

That’s exactly what I do during market downturns…

And what famed investors Warren Buffet, Jamie Dimon, and John Paulson did in 2008!

  • Plus, other proven recession moneymaking secrets!

You’ll find each and every single one inside The Recession Moneymaker Portfolio

And it’s yours FREE the moment you join The Rich Dad Poor Dad Letter.

But there’s still more…

(Value: $99 Yours FREE)
Bonus Gift #2:

My Best-Selling Book,
Cash Flow Quadrant

While my book Rich Dad Poor Dad normally gets all the attention…

Many of my readers actually think Cashflow Quadrant is my best book.

It’s my complete guide to financial freedom.

In it, I reveal how some people work less, earn more, pay less in taxes, and learn to become financially free.

Rather than tell you how this book could change your life…

Just check out some of these Amazon reviews…

Jenna M.

★★★★★ Need more money? Then you need this book!

Format: Paperback | Verified Purchase

“A must read for anyone who wants to understand how to leverage and generate more income without “finding a better paying job”. This one book could have easily replaced the majority of my accounting college classes, and still would have provided more value than my $250k business degree.”

Chris P.

★★★★★ My Favorite of Kiyosaki’s Books

Format: Paperback | Verified Purchase

“I’ve read most of Kiyosaki’s books, and this is my favorite.

When he explained his “Rich Dad’s” Cashflow Quadrant about the four main different ways that people earn incomes, and the very substantial differences in how they think from each other, I really took a hard look at how I was earning an income.”

Jeff G.

★★★★★ Love The Book

Format: Paperback | Verified Purchase

“This book has changed my life and perspective about 401k and life. I learned so much from reading this book. It makes me want to read the Rich Dad Poor Dad book next. I love Robert Kiyosaki’s work and would definitely want to learn more from him.”

Michael S.

★★★★★ Better than Rich Dad/Poor Dad

Format: Paperback | Verified Purchase

Anton J.

★★★★★ Required reading for my children

Format: Paperback | Verified Purchase

Dan V.

★★★★★ Eye opening!

Format: Paperback | Verified Purchase

These people are happy they bought this book on Amazon.

But you don’t have to.

Just like your book The Truth about Money… and your other bonus gifts…

It’s yours FREE when you take a risk-free trial to Rich Dad Poor Dad Letter.

So just to recap…

The moment you agree to take a 100% risk-free trial of The Rich Dad Poor Dad Letter, you’ll receive…

12 Monthly Issues of The Rich Dad Poor Dad Letter… Every month you’ll receive urgent market analysis, including the best moneymaking ideas I can find… and I’ll give you at least two to three recommendations that will help grow your nest egg. ($99 value)

BOOK: The Truth about Money: Inside you’ll find 31 money lies that are holding you back… plus 49 income secrets for a rich retirement  ($99 value)

Bonus Gift #1: “The Recession Moneymaker Portfolio” ($99 value)

Bonus Gift #2: My best-selling book Cash Flow Quadrant  ($49 value)

That’s a total of $346 of value.

But it won’t cost you anywhere near that.

You see, my publisher decided the retail price will be $99 for a year subscription.

Which is already a bargain.

But I’m sick of all these money lies…

So I don’t want the price to be an issue for you.

That’s why I’ve negotiated a no-brainer deal for you.

But before I give away the full details, there’s one last gift I want to tell you about…

(Value: $19.95 Yours FREE)
Bonus Gift #4

My Best Interview Ever?

I recently had a wide range conversation with Brian Rose, host of the popular show London Real…

And this might be one of my best interviews ever…

Because I talked about the most important thing in the world of money.

It’s not cash flow… it’s not building assets… it’s not investing in real estate…

It’s something far more important…

It’s truly THE ONE THING that will determine your financial future.

You’ll get immediate access to this video for FREE…

The moment you take a 100% risk-free trial of The Rich Dad Poor Dad Letter.

Now that I’ve put everything on the table…

Here’s Your Risk-Free Deal…

Normally, a risk-free trial of The Rich Dad Poor Dad Letter retails at $99 for a year subscription…

But if you take me up on this opportunity right here, right now…

I’m going to SLASH the normal cost of $99 in half… to just $49.

That means for less than your phone bill…

You’ll receive access to everything we’ve talked about today…

Including your book, The Truth About Money.

Take the next six months to see if The Rich Dad Poor Dad Letter is right for you!

And here’s the best part…

Because this is a RISK-FREE trial, if you’re not completely satisfied with The Rich Dad Poor Dad Letter at any point during those first six months…

For any reason…

*** You can get a full refund, no questions asked. And you can KEEP EVERYTHING!

No need to send your book back.

Why am I letting you keep everything?

Because I’m 100% confident you won’t cancel your subscription…

Why would you?

I believe you’ll be using my good debt trick to collect $1,000s without depleting your retirement account … instead of worrying about paying off debt.

You’ll be collecting a consistent stream of cash flow, instead of worrying about running out of money in retirement….

And you’ll have complete peace of mind, knowing that you’ve secured a comfortable future for you and your loved ones.

In Fact, It’s Far More Likely You’ll Be Sending Me Notes Like These…

“Great resource and is much appreciated. So many distractions in this world it is good to have something to keep you on track on a daily basis. Our family is on a new financial path to freedom. Thanks Robert!”

– Rich Z. from Michigan

“On all fronts, Robert is a badass!  Keep going Robert and team!  The world better wake up!”

– Andy B. from Texas

“The Rich Dad, Poor Dad letter opened my eyes to many opportunities that I never considered before.”

– Bob L. from North Carolina

And remember…

Just Using ANY ONE of these tricks could EASILY pay for your subscription…

Like I showed you earlier, Daniel Z is making about $1,000 per week from just one of the many investment tricks I’ll tell you about. …

Greg and Marcy from Venice, California now bring in about $2,000 per month.

Kaitlin Kennedy collects the equivalent of over $1,923 every single week!

In other words, they’re making enough to cover the cost of a subscription many, many times over.

So, here’s what’s going to happen next…

Click below to secure your spot…

You’ll be taken to another page where you can review everything that you’ll receive today.

Once you take the risk-free trial, we’ll ship your FREE copy of The Truth about Money to your door at no cost to you.

You’ll gain immediate access online to everything else.

When you start implementing these secrets, I’m 100% confident you’ll start collecting income like you never thought possible…

Securing once and for all the retirement you deserve.

See you on the other side.



Robert Kiyosaki
May 2019

Click Here to Secure Your Copy
of The Truth About Money

P.S. This book reveals 31 money lies that are holding you back… and my top income secrets for a rich retirement. But like I mentioned earlier, I’m comfortable giving away only 450 copies of my brand-new book today. Since I have millions of readers, I expect we’ll run out really quick… Maybe even in the next hour. I’ve reserved a copy for you. Click the button below to claim it.

Click Here to Secure Your Copy
of The Truth About Money

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